random stuff drawings

Well, here are some random drawings.. I used to draw more in middle school until around 10th grade, but I guess I threw away a lot of it because it was doodly stuff.. Now I only draw when I'm bored and have nothing better to do..

I fished out this rare drawing from elementary school.. I just like it cause you can see even in elementary school I could tell what a good goatee will do for a guy
Alien Stud

Score! I found my doodle archives (aka binder dividers) from middle school.. ah, middle school, a time when I was actually creative and didn't just sleep through boring classes..
from 7th grade, i just think the bird looking thing is really cool
these are some 8th grade creations, possibly from english class
some of my best work, done during 8th-grade history class

I think my brother has inspired me a lot to draw.. mostly because he always hogs the computer all day when he comes home and I'm sitting around with nothing to do.. ha ha!
so anyways, here's a picture of him hogging the computer, playing starcraft
Jerry playing starcraft

Here's a picture of the sky when I was sitting under a tree.. oh yah, and it's on the back of a math quiz from fall 98..
sky on a hill

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