A tribute to...
The Page That Tells You
If The Universe Has Stopped Expanding Yet

Several years ago, we once found an awe-inspired site.. It was called The Page That Tells You If The Universe Has Stopped Expanding Yet. Riding on the tails of the then-popular on-line cameras and soda machines, the author of this site made leaps ahead, combining the extremes of physics and astronomy research. The result was a web-enabled device that could instantly give you the status of the Universe's expansion.

Unfortunately, years have past, and this Internet marvel seems to have disappeared. We figure their research grants must have dried up or perhaps they went on to bigger and better things. Nonetheless, we dearly miss The Page That Tells You If The Universe Has Stopped Expanding Yet. As such, we have constructed this dramatic recreation of The Page That Tells You If The Universe Has Stopped Expanding Yet. Mind you, this is only a simulation as we have not the funds, equipment, nor intellect to build a working Universe Expansion Monitor.

Without further ado, onto the show...

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The Page That Tells You If The Universe Has Stopped Expanding Yet