GIANT ROBO THE ANIMATION - The Day the Earth Stood Still Episode. 2 The Tragedy of Bashitarle The True Tragedy Will Envelop All of Peking!! The fight over the future of humanity between the B.F. Organization, bent on world domination, and the International Police Organization, sworn to protect the peace, now moves to envelop all of the Chinese continent and Europe. The B.F. Organization has now undertaken its operation to deprive all of mankind of its sources of energy. However, the Experts of the Internal Police Organization's Peking Branch, including Daisaku and G. Robo, have succeeded in obtaining the father of the Drive, Dr. Shizuma, and one of the Minus Shizuma tubes. Knowing this, the B.F. Agents mount a counterattack. The Peking Branch is mostly destroyed, and Dr. Shizuma and Daisaku are pursued by the giant robot Uraenus. Giant Robo, sensing Daisaku's peril, activates its Auto Guard System and attacks Uraenus, but because of its power instability it cannot breach Uraenus's anti-enemy Barrier!! But, when it seemed all hope was lost, Dr. Shizuma, wishing to atone for the sins of the past, activates the Minus Shizuma tube! The lights of Peking are extinguished, and Uraenus also falls silent. But...Robo is unaffected. How can Robo still move, when even the B.F. Organization's robots are immobilized?!